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Sarah Robertson Picture

by alljects , at 7:29 PM , have 0 comments
Sarah Robertson, from the land of kangaroos and koalas, whose curiosity to find out if Filipinos really were “so lovely, so kind, and so humble” eventually brought her to this shoot with FHM, netflix has got a lot of spunk.

Rightfully so, because the babe’s a DJ, and everyone knows there’s no lording over clubs without, you know, a little attitude. That much was apparent from the very moment Sarah entered the shoot premises and stepped up to the plate. We just felt it in our easily intimidated hearts that not only did she have “a little attitude.” She brought tons of it, which she put to good use in the shoot.
Sarah Robertson Picture
Sarah Robertson Picture - written by alljects , published at 7:29 PM, categorized as Sarah Robertson . And have 0 comments
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